1. •The word Bible comes from the Greek word Biblion (book). It derives from Biblos, the antique Phoenician harbor where papyrus (biblos) was treated before being exported to Greece. The plural Biblia (books), gives in latin the feminine singular biblia. Whence «Bible» in English. Why is the title in plural?
  2. •Because the Bible is a collection of scriptures. It is often given other names: scriptures, Holy Scriptures, sacred books, the Ancient and the New Testament. The Bible is neither a book of natural sciences, nor a book of history in the true meaning of the word. It is not a systematic course of religion or morals.
  3. • It’s a reflexion book of a people about its history, in the light of God their guide. The way the Bible narrates the origin of the Earth and humanity must not be taken literally (word for word). It reflects the state of human knowledge at a given period and literary genres of that period. It is currently the most read and the most translated book in the world. It has been translated in 391 languages in all.