Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to

1.      Apply guidelines for the design of application software and user interfaces.

2.      Apply the principles of program design (involving the design and development of a range of objects) to the construction of a significant piece of software, justifying the design decisions made at each stage and addressing the relevant quality issues.

3.      Identify the basic techniques that result in efficient and effective ways of building large software systems and be able to use those techniques in practice.

4.      Apply the principles associated with the design and development to a range of web applications.

5.      Outline the theories that underpin the design and development of human-computer interfaces.

6.      Assess in a systematic fashion the quality of the interfaces in a range of software systems.

7.      Discuss the properties of good software design.

8.      Compare and contrast object-oriented analysis and design with structured analysis and design.

9.      Evaluate the quality of multiple software designs based on key design principles and concepts.

10.  Select and apply appropriate design patterns in the construction of a software       application.